We welcome you to "Sackcloth Prayer Moments" where you will experience an awakening of fresh revelations and truths to the wonders of prayer. The Lord has been so gracious and has instructed us to share with you the power of prayer through the use of sackcloth.
Sackcloth expresses true humility asking God to forgive you of your sins, to completely turn away from those sins and be made a new creature. Prayer is our invitation for God to intervene in the affairs of our lives, He wants us to earnestly seek Him and His ways.
And I quote 2 Chronicles 7:14
........and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Here is where we will spend the time to rejuvenate our faith and become strengthened in our walk with Jesus Christ in true devotion. The sackcloth is your dwelling place where you can spend intimate time with the Lord. As you enter your private session humbling yourself and obtain ultimate transformation you will be equipped to be a skillful prayer warrior. For we know prayer is not an option. It's a necessity!!!
Join us, as we challenge you to discover your power, your authority, and your right to know the will of God as we enter God's presence and experience a new dimension of His glory and the fullness of his power and have days of heaven here on earth. Spending time with "Sackcloth Prayer Moments" will bring you to experience incredible revelations in all aspects of your life.
Spiritual Victory Comes To Those Who Are Prepared For Battle.
Join us on our prayer-call network every
Thursday 9:00 pm eastern
(319) 527-3379